Thursday, April 18, 2013

Day 28 Bush Camp to Charters Towers 64 kms

Awake at 4.30 am for a call of nature but too scared to leave the bed due to the sound of mosquitoes banging against the fly wire, screaming with frustration as they can't get at us. We laid there for another half hour before it became an emergency. With spade and paper at hand my brave husband led me into the wilds of Qld looking for the perfect tree and cleared spot to make our claim. I wasn't sure why we were walking so far into the wilderness and eventually called a stop to the search. He claimed to be looking for the perfect tree so that I could hide behind; it was pitch black and the only light was coming from his head torch. I stressed the urgency in a very lady like way and he conceded to assist me with the digging. He was telling me to turn my light off as someone would see me but it was his light shining straight at me. When we eventually found our way back to the camp we discover we had left the fly wire open and the bedroom was full of angry mosquitoes. We resorted to sitting in the car until daybreak and the cyclists started to emerge from their cocoons.
Collis ensured all the cyclists bidons were filled with lovely tank water before we were able to make a cup of tea for a select few remaining in camp (oh the priveledges of remaining behind in camp). Pack up after a bush camp is always a dirty job and smelly. Plenty of rubbish you have to cart out with you. Peter went for an early morning walk and picture opportunity and came across a big kangaroo who wasn'tt frightened but curious before hopping away. We left camp around 8.30am probably earlier than usual due to the driving force of mosquitoes. This was an unfortunate bush camp for the first bush camp due to the road trains (travelling down the dirt track most of the night), the water restrictions (but at no stage was there any chance we would run out of water) and the biggest mosquitoes I have ever experienced.

One rider appeared extremely concerned that we may run out of water so it was important to catch up with each rider to refill their water bidons as we were not stopping for morning tea today. The road was a good surface but the riders felt there was a gradual climb all day with a head wind. Even though it was a shorter day, some were really struggling. Jan had her chain come off and then a flat tyre which happened right outside the local bike shop.

Perfect close to a lovely day.
Everyone arrived safely at the Aussie Outback Village &  van park which has been a real oasis for us after the previous night. A few of us went straight for the swimming pool and the rest straight for the showers.

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