Tonight will be our first bush camp and the only one for this leg. Some of the riders went into the roadhouse for a cooked breakfast and Woody got away pretty late. Another warm day and not much shade around this area. Everyone is looking depleted after yesterday as I think some of them need to learn the importance of drinking enough water throughout the day.
We had to try and get as much water as we could possibly carry today as it will have to last us for 200 kms riding and one night at a bush camp. We managed to fill four 25 litre containers, all water bottles and we had some in the tank under the car. The car tank holds about 25 litres as well but we were struggling to find somewhere to hook up to to fill it. I asked the backpacker at the roadhouse and she directed us to a tap near their accommodation but it looked that this may have been illegal. Our attachment wouldn't fit so we found their hose and were just setting it all up when we got caught and told we couldn't have the water. I hope the young backpacker didn't get into trouble because of this. Collis feels we should have enough water with just the containers.
Morning tea was just at the 50 km mark on the side of the road and lunch was at Cape river. There was a suggestion we camp at Cape River and do an extra 30 kms tomorrow which the majority of the group thought was an OK idea. Only one rider expressed she would prefer to go on. As it turned out this wasn't an option as the river was all fenced in and there was no way to get the van into the area. It would have been nice to have a river.
Collis and I had picked out a camping area at the 135 km mark when we did our reccy 18 months ago but back then the area was very dry and quite barren. They have obviously had large amounts of rain as everything is so green and the grass is really high. We pulled in on the Harvest Home Rd and searched for a nice spot. The first choice was full of mosquitoes and I couldn't stand it so we moved further up the road. We eventually found a nice spot which had less mosquitoes and was flatter. George was struggling today and Collis was about to go out to bring him in when he arrived on his own steam.
Everyone arrived into camp with Peter coming up the rear because he had stopped at another river to have a wash. Tonight's dinner was pretty well pre- prepared and we were having corned beef, potatoes, carrots, cabbage, peas and homemade pickles. Fliss offered to make the damper which we had a fruit one and a plain one with jam and cream. John was the master fire builder and had the campsite named after him for his efforts. The mosquitoes were still unbelievable all night and it was even difficult going off to the toilet as they were biting every surface that was exposed. It was easier just to crawl into our tents to get away from them.
Around the campfire! |
Poetry reading. |
Beer and Steer (George)
This is a story about a man
From the same hometown as Ludwig van
He thought his land too full of Turks
So he boxed up his Eddie Merckx
He said farewell to Westphalia
And caught a flight down to Australia.
Customs asked him to explain what had brought him here by plane
He said “I visit your country
To eat all your cows and drink VB”
While mentioning as an aside
That he was going on a six-month ride.
And so he set off on his way
Cycling one twenty K each day
But it was not all pure hard slog
Each journey ended with some grog
It was the thought of this libation
That gave George his motivation
When he got off his bicycle seat
He'd swig some beer and eat some meat
No matter whether palace or dump
He'd order T-bone, Scotch or rump
He always ordered them ‘rare medium ‘
But changed his sauces to avoid tedium
He consumed 19 barrels and 14 Steer
Now my friends here’s some advice
So you're not forced to sacrifice
When George returns to Germany
Sell your shares in C.U.B!
By Jerry