The crew convoy stayed together for most of the day. Collis got a little disorientated when we arrived in Young for morning tea break and he couldn't work out which rotunda he had chosen for the break. It didn't really matter as 6 of the riders rode through Young and had their own morning tea at the local McDonalds. We ended up at the Young Historical Railway Station (because it had a toilet) and a table with chairs. The rest of the riders found us but when they went to the toilet we found it was locked (Good Friday). Anna & I went for a walk in the direction provided by Theo who thought he had spotted a toilet. We ended up in a residential area but fortunately when we asked one of the locals for directions they kindly let us use their own toilet. They had a very lovely renovated historical home and we had a lovely tour along with the relief.
On the way out of town Jan was breathalysed by a booze wagon and was found to be over (or so she said, I think she was wanting to be locked up). Collis tried to pull in for a breathalyser but they told him not to bother. They shoed him away.
Lunch break was at Koorawatha= a quiet little town with nothing open.
There was a cute little old lady who Fliss took a photo of as she was sitting all day out the front of the old bakery and told Fliss her life story.

Cowra caravan Park mucked up our booking and we have been cramped into 2 camp sites. Everyone has been pretty good about it and set up their tents very close to each other tonight. We have grass sites and it is green and soft, plus we don't need keys or a code for the toilets.
Looks like it will be a cold night tonight.
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